DIGG and BADGER Post DIGG Launch Week 1 Emissions

An alternative model for DIGG Week 1 Emissions


  • Badger Setts receive the same amount of value in rewards as they do in Week 3 Badger emissions plus a 9% bonus.

  • DIGG Setts Rewards are optimized to match the Badger Setts Rewards.

  • Stakers receive the rewards with around 50/50 Badger/DIGG ratio.

  • The overall distribution of rewards is 75/25 Badger Setts / DIGG Setts.

  • The amount of value distributed through staking rewards rises an extra 46% compared to Week 3 Badger emissions.

  • 50% of available DIGG emissions go to the DIGG Vault and get reserved for future DIGG Sett liquidity mining programs.

  • 25% of Badger emissions go to the Badger Vault to be distributed later through Sett staking.

For Badger Setts I’ve used the ratios from BiP-7.
For DIGG Setts I’ve used equal proportions similar to @UnlimitedPower.

If you’d like to dive deeper, be my guest.

If you’d like to know more about the methods chosen and the reasoning, feel free to ask me here or in the #digg-product channel on Badger Discord.