BadgerDAO <> Impact3 achieved milestones

Hi everyone!

We’ve put together a report on the milestones and outcomes attained since the initiation of the BadgerDAO <> Impact3 collaboration that started on March 11th.

Here’s a brief summary on the resources we’ve put together in order to strengthen BadgerDAO’s brand and community engagement:

:small_orange_diamond: Brand Voice Guide
:small_orange_diamond: Governance and Utility Guide
:small_orange_diamond: Visual Brand Document
:small_orange_diamond: Brand Voice Survey
:small_orange_diamond: Monthly Space Series

Key metrics

1/ Impressions → the number of times the BadgerDAO tweets have been seen by users.

According to X Analytics, we’ve gained ∼450,000/month so far.

2/ Engagement rate → the engagement rate tells us how engaged our followers are with our social media content


:small_orange_diamond: Poor engagement rate: <3%

:small_orange_diamond: Average: 3 - 4%

:small_orange_diamond: Good: >4%

Our average engagement rate since March 11th: 3.0%.

3/ Followers

March 11: 46, 979

May 17: 51,119

We’ve gained 4.1k followers since March 11th.

Prior to March 11, we lacked metrics on the above statistics. Now, as we actively collect and monitor data, we’re establishing benchmarks and conducting weekly reviews in order to measure success, lean into what’s working and stop what’s not.

To access the full details on key achievements and the created resources, please check the full report here:

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