TCD#55 Treasury Stablecoin Top-Up for May 2024.
To adhere to TCD#46, the Treasury needs to top up its Stablecoin runway to cover 4 months of operating expenses each time the replenish occurs.
According to the Q2 budget, the monthly stable burn is at $353k.
Currently, there’s $967k in the treasury vault, with no planned stablecoin expenses till the end of the quarter.
Thus, at the end of May, the Stablecoin top-up requirement will be $91k.
To meet this requirement, the suggestion is to liquidate the Treasury’s bveCVX/CVX & bcvxCRV holdings. bveCVX is fully unlocked, so this action will not affect the remaining users’ liquidity.
The value of these holdings is currently $194k according to DeBank.