I admire voting for nominees, but the way Snapshot works leave a lot to be desired. If I have 1,000 voting power, I am only able to cast all my votes for 1 person. Snapshot does not allow me to split my 1,000 votes across various people.
There are 10 nominees, and only 4 spots. When there is only 1 vote (Snapshot) it means each address only gets to vote for 1 of the nominees.
This leaves people in an interesting game theory position. If my preferred order of candidates is A, B, C, D, E…when I look at the voting if I can see that A and B are comfortably in the top 4, I’d be more inclined to cast my vote for C.
Alternatively, if A is very low and basically unable to catch up, even though they are my favorite person, I’d be more inclined to vote for someone else.
Also, due to these factors, from a game theoretical perspective, it makes sense to wait until just before the deadline so one can cast their vote in the most optimal way.
A preferred method to do this in the future, is to make 10 separate polls.
Person A - Yes / No
Person B - Yes / No
Then at the end, the 4 people with the most Yes votes are the ones selected.
I realize that 10 polls is more clutter and requires more time from the voters, but it is a far superior method for a more fair democratic process.
Thank you for your time and consideration.