Learning from yearn/clarifying on dev incentives

I’m a yearn holder and am currently watching a bit of a spat on how to incentivize the devs in that community. Obviously devs of any protocol should be incentivized fairly and adequately to continue development.

It brings up question in my head on the longer term incentives for devs in Badger. I’m not sure what the plan is, but as another community governed protocol thats in sort of in the spirit of Yearn, I think it would be in the DAOs interest to make sure this is clarified now rather than later. So what are the dev incentives? Are they aligned in a way to be sure theres we’re not set up for challenges on this subject down the road?

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This has already been established since launch. There is the developer liquidity mining program plus devs get to earn a percentage of the income generated from their products throughout its lifespan.

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