DIGG Launch Parameters

agree on the vesting for $digg. This should be considered with gradual emission after initial vest period similar to crv

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I wanted to ask the same think.

@bberry259 9

In you example you took the the crvRenbtc Sett.
For this seet I think a " Distributed to holders" solution can be nice.

But, if you also want to distribute to Badger / wBTC Uni LP or Badger. I think we should use a ā€œWeighted by holdingsā€ solution

In fact, after 2 weeks, and based on the initial distribution. If you are a whale in those sett , it mean you have a lot of $Badger.
Either because you received a lot of Badger from the bigging , so you are already involved in a lot of protocols listed on the airdrop. Or you bought a lot of Badger, so you believe in the protocol.
In both case big $badger holder should receive more $DIGG . Then is nice to attracte people from other protocole if itā€™s not reallated to $Badger.

Also, iā€™d like to know how many users didnā€™t claim their $Badger. Do you think you will involved more users if you distribute $DIGG to other protocols ? Or is it better to reward people already here and involved ?


The poll results show a clear favour for participation(72% participation, 28% Weighted at time of writing this). But there is nuance here and I think many in thr participation camp could be willing to accept weighted with some participation bonus.

Letā€™s check. Participation with weighted bias would as an example:
Anyone with more than 4 Badger deployed or held gets x
Everyone with more than 4 Badger deployed or held gets x*y

Digg drop should go to
  • Participation with Weighted bias
  • Just participation split
  • Just weighted split

0 voters

The exact dynamics should be decided by the ops team (following our steer) to try and stop some gaming by participants.


I am not in any liquidity pool whatsoever, even outside of the badger protocol, Iā€™m not too sure where to go or what to do but Iā€™d really like to be a part of the Digg airdrop. Is there a liquidity pool I need to stake in or something like this crvRenbtc Sett for example? Iā€™d hate to miss out on the date of the snapshot by not being in the right pool at the right time. Thanks

Hi chief. Join us on discord and weā€™ll be sure to help you get set(t). Youā€™ll need some eth and a wallet like metamask. See you there.

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With regard to airdrop, can we allocate a small proportion of the external airdrop and provide a small part of the reward in the current staff of Badger Dao staker. This can not only attract external investors, but also motivate the community holders! In addition, I suggest cooperating with wallet! This helps to introduce more BTC / wbtc liquidity.

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A little story how I got involved in Badger. I didnā€™t get the airdrop ( even though eligible) due to some technical errors. I didnā€™t nag, just sent the form to the team and started investing from day 1. The AirDrop served its purpose getting my attention to this project, even though I didnā€™t get the actual tokens; and there is no more need to address those outside the ecosystem.

Agree with most that Digg should be tied to current participants in ALL of the Badger ecosystem:

  • current SETTS:
    • More weight towards the 2 Badger setts
    • MOST weight to the BADGER/WBTC UNI LP as they take the most risk.
    • Lowest weight towards the 4 other CRV and Harvest Setts. In case they are re investing the BADGERS they are earning in the 2 BADGER pools they will benefit, but if they are selling all proceeds then tough luck!
  • MEME
  • Cover Protocol Shield mining participants.

Initial setts that will earn $DIGG:

  • All current Setts
  • Launch with Sushi AND Uniswap pools.

As suggested by @cryptoyieldinfo also Prefer the ESD/DSD stablecoin model. Hope it can be included in roadmap .


Im open to this. Something like dropping based on the square root of badger earned thus far (to determine your ratio of the total drop) could be interesting. Or putting a cap and a floor. I am not sure what the current breakdown is between whales/minnows but probably safe to say its similar to most tokens (highly weighted towards whales). The drops were based on size of the action taken in each of the categories so whales would have gotten large allocations relative to most.


sounds more than reasonable !

Yes, look at this: https://twitter.com/BadgerDAO/status/1333446810350841860?s=20

I dont think .1 is good enough. more complex model and large multiplier will be welcome.

my opnion is , badger is most important than digg. it could be a holdshare, and digg is the stablecoin.

lol digg is rebase token pegged to bitcoin. How can it be stable coin. It will mimic the price of bitcoin.


Digg will be the hottest token when it launches , people love rebase tokens. Now how do we set the parameters here should it rebase 10% to BTC price each 12 hours . I would not like 100 % rebases cause those can hurt too sometimes :slight_smile: I would go with 5-10% in direction of BTC price. If price od $Digg is above of BTC it will rebase downwards 10 % price wise but number of tokens will multiply 10 % total. If the price is bellow BTC price , WBTC will be sold to buy DIGG and price goes up 10% on rebase , but the total number of Digg tokens shrinks 10% I think Ampl works like that but around the 1 $ peg


Love all of it, well thought out and comprehensive in coverage.

fwiw, Yam is considering scrapping their rebase mechanism. Some good reading.

Vote starts in 40 minutes. Curious to see how it plays out.

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whoa, great call out, thanks!


I am not sure if this is already answered, people are talking about setts; will the people who are staking ONLY will also receive the $DIGG?

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Agree . RFI model encourages holding .

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I agree with the comments here regarding $renBTC, RenJS and GatewayJS.

Implementing ā€œNative Bitcoin Supportā€ is fundamental to Badger. I also think adding GaaS to Badger would be ideal. Imagine being able to earn without the need of getting eth for gas purposes. Just deposit BTC directly into the smart contract. You would just need an ETH wallet.

And regarding the $DIGG pool, perhaps a DIGG/renBTC Balancer pool is a better option? Isnt it? :thinking: