Category: Governance/Grants Program
Scope: Badger Council
Status: Accepted
Objective: Establish the inaugural Badger Council by snapshot vote
On launch, the Grants Program will have four types of grants: Governance, Ecosystem, Referral, and Community. Governance Grants will continue to be determined through BIPs, and Community Grants are smaller grants to reward content and community contributors.
By virtue of having greater potential impact on Badger’s development, Ecosystem Grants and Referral Grants require significant assessment and evaluation before being awarded. As such, we are assembling a group of four (4) community members and three (3) long-term core contributors for this evaluation and approval process: the Council of Badgers.
On Discord, community members had the opportunity to nominate fellow members and then emoji vote for the preliminary round. To prevent vote-sybil, emoji voting in the voting channel was restricted to members who joined before February 10, 2021. On close of voting, the following were the top ten nominees (by Discord username and with language provided by their nominators):
“He should be nominate because he actually saw and identify this Badger project very early by providing help and other support of finding out how much you are staking and what you earning it is. I know that this person does this for other protocols also, but that actually very strong, he is very known how other protocols are evolving in this staking and compounding era.”
“Gabriel is a Crypto Personality and YouTuber, focusing on DeFi projects with long-term value. He was in BadgerDAO before launch and brought many people to the community through his videos. He is clearly qualified and has a unique ability to promote our vision and bring more partners and contributors onboard.”
@Tritium – VLK
“Understands Badger and the larger goals, helps the community to understand, contributes to building with DevOps, code, crypto, IL/LP plays. Friendly. Well spoken. Global viewpoint. Listens. Participates in discussions.”
“This person has a great working knowledge of Badger and has shown to be dedicated, helpful, and optimistic. He is Badger’s Head of Support and has been around since inception.”
@arkgenesis | Badger DAO
“Ark has been a constant source of positivity, insight, reason and good conversational style in the forums and on the discord server. It seems like the main purpose of the badger council is to sort out grants, and he has been a meaningful participant in these conversations so far.”
“She’s been around DeFi for as long as I’ve known, always pointing out the flaws in intelligent ways and challenging teams to do better. She knows no fud or fomo, but instead uses her brain to challenge the status quo but also knows when to back off. A council needs a dissenting voice from time to time, and from what I can tell Sarah is one of the best in our space in doing this in a constructive way and with good timing.”
“[U]nbelievable Badger that have been around since inception. He would bring a great perspective to the entire grant process.”
@Russel Iwm
“He has been here since day 1. He also has a big reach in the pakistani communities which could open up alternative pathways.”
“Justsomeguy has been helpful and supportive on Discord and Forum since launch, providing comments and feedback for all stages of Badger’s growth. He has also been able to find common ground between community and team, with an understanding of the challenges involved.”
“[I]n the game for a long time with a vision that crypto should help everyone find more wealth. working in btc/mining for almost 10 years. Has done some work with the badger team for development. Has been farming in DeFi since there was something to farm. This dude gets it, and he has the p[ers]pective of someone with some bags who is a HODLer at heart. He’s thoughtful and friendly. We need someone like this.”
In addition, the three long-term core contributors who were selected internally for the Council are:
- Defi Frog
- masonv
- shakeshack
In order to finalize the members of the Council, this BIP is now putting the top ten nominees from Discord to a snapshot vote. The top four at the end of snapshot voting will join the Council of Badgers. Each of the nominees above have been approached to ascertain that they understand the work that being on the Council entails and the parameters for grant application evaluation as delineated in BIP 28. They have each expressed that if elected, they are ready and able to fulfill these responsibilities.
Nominees may take this opportunity to provide further information on themselves below. Voting will close in 48 hours.
Please see snapshot here: 7Slots Casino 🛡️ Gerçek Para Kazanmak İçin Güvenilir Online Casino [THIS LINK IS NO LONGER ACTIVE.]
SNAPSHOT UPDATE: Unfortunately, Snapshot does not yet allow for ranked choice voting, which is why there was not an option to vote for more than one candidate. Polling the community showed, however, that everyone would prefer multiple snapshots in order to more closely imitate ranked choice voting.
You can find snapshots for each individual candidate here: 7Slots Casino 🛡️ Gerçek Para Kazanmak İçin Güvenilir Online Casino. Please vote for your preferred candidates on their respective pages.