BIP 22. Badger/DIGG Emission Plan Part II: DIGG Peg-based rewards.

Why are you so confident the overall liquidity will shrink when you are suggesting we incentivise people to add more liquidity?

Imo what you’re referring to, the apathy in the negative rebase zones, is what happens when there are no outside incentives for the rebasing tokens. The situation with DIGG is the opposite.
If DIGG would get released as is, with no outside incentives, that would be a real risk.

I’m confident about shrinking liquidity because of the magnitude of changes.
You can’t ‘outprovide’ the liquidity of the token that’s in the negative rebase zone - it’s impossible to have enough supply sitting on the sidelines to do that for any considerable amount of time.

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As an example, if DIGG sits at 80% of BTC price, the supply shrinks 2% each day.
The weekly distribution of 2.5% of DIGG supply means 0.36% daily distribution, or 7x difference.

So even if we leave 700 million $ that really don’t want DIGG to be at 80% of BTC price out of the equation and look at the situation in the vacuum, there’s no source to have higher liquidity below peg than at peg.

Also, I think it’s important to think about the alternatives here and ask the same questions, to look from the eyes of a DIGG holder who’s entering the negative rebase realm.
What’ your idea of an emission model that could incentivize keeping DIGG at peg better? Let’s discuss that.

The new multiplier is in an earlier stage of development, it’s not ready to be presented as a BIP.

While I think it would be an improvement for the Badger community to have it, we can launch DIGG without it - and try to implement it later on.

If it comes to fruition, your history of staking and LPing Badger and DIGG would qualify you for receiving higher rewards from the emissions compared to non-stakers.

So the addresses that keep staking could receive a bonus on their APY later on.

But again, please perceive this more as an intention than as a promise. The technical feasibility of it and the structural changes it would require are not yet set in stone.


第六周。这周将空降。 但不确定是哪一天。 耐心点

當DIGG? 不久™

Welcome to Badger

please no part3 . i will crazy.

I’m sorry to say this… but yeah… there’s a part 3. :smile:

Part III will cover the extension plan for the liquidity mining program.

Initially, there will be a centralized oracle. The plan is to transition to Chainlink pretty soon, but in order to do so, we need sufficient liquidity on a couple of exchanges first.

The goal is to eventually be on 2-hour cycles, but for the first week it’s quite possible that Badger won’t have a swiss clock.


This is likely against my interests as I’m staking a ton in the current setts, but I think DIGG rewards should be heavily weighted to those providing DIGG liquidity.

This is off the top of my head but something like:

30% digg slp
30% uni lp
15% digg
15% spread across other setts

I’m OK with the peg-based fluctuating, but all things being equal, DIGG LPs should get the lion’s share.

FXS mode can use bad as intermediary mortgage, BTC generates digg, and then gradually releases digg.

Thank you. I do believe that a multiplier is a great tool to incentivize people staying in the Setts for longer. This is why I think that people should know that there is one (not so sure that people currently participating in Badger are aware of that), and what their current multiplier is.

For Digg, I think it would be important to have it at launch and to be very clear about it, especially given the nature of the asset and we want people not to dump it when experiencing negative rebases.

That being said, I will participate regardless because I have been involved since I discovered the project and I am really in love with what you are building.

But other newcomers that are not aware or informed, might just scare out and go away if things don’t go their way. Education is very important, but also do a good use of all tools at hand (from peg-based rewards to multipliers).


Agree with this. the visual of a multiplier will psychologically help people to stay staked when there are temporary market dips.


I agree. We should have some sort of reward for long-termisim at launch. If we don’t have anything else available yet, we should use our current Geyser system on the DIGG pools. Then we can transition when the new long-term rewards system is ready.

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If you want to make sure the model will incentivise TVL growth, the sBTC, RenBTC, tBTC setts should also receive DIGG… not sure if thats the case?

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it is the case. have a looksie

Of course they do. Make sure to read and understand the proposal.

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