BIP 107 - Restitution Amendment - thenewb

@thenewb is a remBADGER holder from the original restitution program. He monitored a group related to restitution rather than the Badger Discord. Information about the new restitution program was not posted in that group and so he missed his opportunity to reinvest in the current restitution round. He is now asking to be admitted despite missing the deadline.

He holds 4,753 remBADGER that was never withdrawn to Badger. His address is: 0x82d8d99955e38239d865A9dd0D44EF5DD06bA99c

If passed, he will be allowed to deposit those tokens to the new restitution pool and receive any benefits permitted under the program from that point forward. The Badger Association is directed to prioritize any supporting technical work so he is able to join the program with urgency.

A link to his original statement in Discord is here

Admit @thenewb to the Restitution Program
    1. Yes, Approve
    1. No, Deny
0 voters