BIP 91: Reinstate rembadger Position - CLOSED - did not pass forum vote

So here is my thoughts on this:

From an economics point of view, restoring withdrawn remBADGER from any user slows down the rate at which other victims are payed back, and with such a large amount also reduce a real chance that Badger could pay back the full amount before emitting all the tokens which would be a big win. The economist in me says no.

However, then there is principal. The restitution happened in the first place based on a general belief that the DAO should do what it can to help Badgers recover from their loss. The exploit in the first place affected a small number of people, and yet we came together as a community to make them, even at considerable cost to all BADGER HODLers. I question if this situation is any different.

There seems to be a lot of no votes here. I think this BIP should go to snapshot and the HODLers should decide. Based on the sentiment, I think it’d perhaps be more likely to pass, if some sort of middle ground could be negotiated. Could some % of the remBADGER be restored? This would leave everyone else to be paid back a bit quicker, and provide the DAO with some chance to end the program with a complete payback early. At the same time, it doesn’t leave our remBADGER megawhale HODLing megabags of BADGER and BTC and perhaps feeling the desire/having clear reason to rage quit and never come back.

BIP-86: Change and ratify Badger Council membership ratified a new BADGER council, which I believe to now be made up of intelligent and thoughtful members of the team and community who care both about the economics of the protocol and the principals of the DAO.

I suggest, if at all possible, that the HODLer requesting re-deposit of their remBADGER get in touch with the council, work out some governance, and then bring it to an up/down snapshot to decide. I also propose that we only do one such snapshot, to encourage all parties to come up with a balanced proposal up front, and to help us get over this and move on with BUIDLing.

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