Category: Recovery Phase
Scope: Return recoverable tokens to the wallets from which they were taken
Status: Pending
Gain approval to return recoverable tokens to the wallets from which they were taken
At the time of the exploit (more info), the attacker was able to successfully acquire tokens from a number of user wallets and was able to withdraw many of these for their underlying assets before bridging away from the Ethereum blockchain. In response, Badger paused all smart contracts, rendering the attacker unable to continue to withdraw additional tokens from users wallets. This effectively left some tokens “stuck” in the attacker wallets.
BIP 77 addresses the unpausing of the contracts and recovering of the “stuck” tokens, which will be sent into a smart contract controlled by the dev multisig (recovered.badger dao.eth).
This BIP seeks to gain approval to, once recovered, return the recovered tokens to the addresses from which they were taken.
Rff: Badger
Badger vault tokens (btokens) are fungible ERC20 tokens. In this particular exploit, on a per wallet basis, the stolen btoken was either withdrawn from completely or not at all. At no point were any btokens split or only partially withdrawn. This means that all recoverable bTokens can be definitively traced back to their pre-exploit owners.
You can see a more detailed analysis here:
Below is the full list of recoverable tokens and the addresses they would be returned to:
0x0d86A2fd448aD216692238a28d2753DEf5B1d853 | bSlpBadgerWbtc | -0.000075029477714286 |
0x0C1e99991dD2f7D374Bff13f9F52284CE6cfDAE5 | bSlpBadgerWbtc | -0.000087419825225610 |
0xFa5756494fEa34c83808CCb6626f6b7E66D46c4c | bcrvRenWBTC | -0.648724175999459000 |
0xE9B05bC1FA8684EE3e01460aac2e64C678b9dA5d | bSlpBadgerWbtc | -0.000116730245518366 |
0x7c2bE77574546b4513b4F30b6b1c5EA1C4AC8eFb | bSlpBadgerWbtc | -0.000117804041984872 |
0x9322C6CcbCE9fCC9BDC45fe2830704907330454D | bSlpBadgerWbtc | -0.000118626781242642 |
0x26b11a2497381ef5e28BcFCF881185791Ba11A5d | bSlpBadgerWbtc | -0.000128773473998937 |
0xb67620E8C9E19592b616942F895153e2dcF9CcB6 | bcvxCRV | -7814.344901059100000000 |
0x6Dce215F5D0209Bee096fb5147C423344D10553b | bibbtc/sbtcCRV-f | -0.846996854829162000 |
0xd65370c5565F2bEa121F3C22823233F98A4Be793 | bibbtc/sbtcCRV-f | -0.922370672269898000 |
0xCb0b3fbA44676Ae1Ade8dc211d43ded01f0513fa | bibbtc/sbtcCRV-f | -0.932371973276120000 |
0xA678abb7fA735b6A42C78214d6B150849c9570c4 | bbveCVX-CVX-f | -2086.680235476250000000 |
0xBfBAC9FDF2b937d88B7E97506B6c169dd0B03b24 | bSlpBadgerWbtc | -0.000156762272824640 |
0x4523b791292da89A9194B61bA4CD9d98f2af68E0 | bibbtc/sbtcCRV-f | -0.980763995807816000 |
0x0fd492cB2440074b9b5f16Dd008A972C55C60A49 | bSlpBadgerWbtc | -0.000159369109301692 |
0x5456B8CAEb4FA3E9795838832f41de0DD96c7912 | bibbtc/sbtcCRV-f | -0.991755891020704000 |
0x8b34f5931fD52f70661174486d66a973d50A2d83 | bibbtc/sbtcCRV-f | -0.995190186143696000 |
0x24d734a75166e66000C8d7f12A173e41358e3cc1 | bibbtc/sbtcCRV-f | -0.996706797720007000 |
0xA856E0cA37d3b64a137aD5d3e20C31843Fa9FB36 | bibbtc/sbtcCRV-f | -1.002561208691120000 |
0xfB62DF8935504b3f1C2b13B10aA9d8eE67e34690 | bibbtc/sbtcCRV-f | -1.003967036880300000 |
0x602a8f582b2e84A49f91899d6CdD36B825146637 | bibbtc/sbtcCRV-f | -1.025952855492390000 |
0x720b304e1f7F2ac7d1E60B03289B13a8A764F315 | bSlpBadgerWbtc | -0.000179089428661152 |
0x7759D0dbeAB2270Bea6F35679344d4D67B10cCE9 | bibbtc/sbtcCRV-f | -1.130674710437700000 |
0x18D1EB6F4a74aB1d4704ec1688d87047efDb83D5 | bibbtc/sbtcCRV-f | -1.148952007032990000 |
0xc0DAcf029bc8c4753dBfDf9aF8408D02bcA4e8B3 | bfPmBTC/HBTC | -1.147940822038800000 |
0x8F5db667276e9d805bF5aDb315374f8fa299699E | bcvxCRV | -12554.847609414800000000 |
0x785b70b908E1458bDAe818C03D7B8e6688B025E6 | bSlpBadgerWbtc | -0.000275879940990274 |
0xaAD747958F996B22F360fD1d0e3BA56eFD477C1f | bSlpBadgerWbtc | -0.000285933998224524 |
0x6B68b7652a32afF234C17796afcEA800d54e3428 | bibbtc/sbtcCRV-f | -2.003810122238030000 |
0x630CF545B04b6458faDC98654681456009f19478 | bcrvRenWBTC | -1.938782864727950000 |
0x2Ee8670d2b936985D5fb1EE968810c155D3bB9cA | bimBTC | -19.414395705173300000 |
0xDEF090607C0628Eb1c36bE11038e68e0d34d44d5 | bSlpBadgerWbtc | -0.000331797138485382 |
0x905DeFDEC5eB4f6Cd9d9ec4d4C52fc330EF2026B | bveCVX | -5000.001124879400000000 |
0x0716266cC5D3c443e30b0c4E9C72AFA33778E1de | bcrv3crypto | -81.342592237548500000 |
0xd87EcC6C74F486B044824a222326A96F696fCfA2 | bveCVX | -6985.618362681730000000 |
0x2Bf863a129Cd3FafFCFC6E7caA49588d446B2af3 | bcrv3crypto | -107.010951737997000000 |
0x0ECE7c1BfC9543B2cbeA8F5577d02E5f59a9f176 | bfPmBTC/HBTC | -3.967006087106280000 |
0xC255E0a1Be0A4B7B8Bf5EBE8d0Aba162CF75bae2 | bSlpBadgerWbtc | -0.000718292677040534 |
0x26A22514d3Ac0B05E2F4f04dF96EF302ba434cBE | bcvxCRV | -42537.289425938100000000 |
0x7Ed7888f3bF70ED07f94Fd7381D39476928331F7 | bveCVX | -10171.240584610900000000 |
0xB5cC3308C8E0F12fCCCa72e0fA3C8C20518c11e7 | bveCVX | -10868.760170822800000000 |
0xF2B8C142Edcf2f3Cc22665cCE863a7C9A3E9F156 | bimBTC | -49.749983579281600000 |
0x604eB5D4126E3318EC27721Bd5059307684F5C89 | bcrv3crypto | -168.645701159400000000 |
0xD50f649a2c9fD7AE88C223DA80e985D71DE45593 | bveCVX | -18042.519867472100000000 |
0xC610D02270c39a0581fE0137F5E93Ae5053D3c66 | bSlpDiggWbtc | -0.000000002506356308 |
0x0443180451b462bDC5E09Fc910712f10E90d8a62 | bbveCVX-CVX-f | -20247.466265437400000000 |
0xFaC01bF00180ff294915E840b4309B823b759F83 | bcvxCRV | -93582.000000000000000000 |
0xff4944F8809ec48d8aCc655ff83770cBd4C3A02a | bcrvRenWSBTC | -10.754238865403400000 |
0x1D8D739912AAE17819618e6e33580284C16785A9 | bveCVX | -25130.919014305900000000 |
0xee1F07F88934C2811E3DcAbdf438d975C3d62cd3 | bcrvRenWSBTC | -20.667204525632300000 |
After the tokens are recovered, they would be sent directly to their owners without the need to claim them by the recipients.
- Yes, return the funds
- No, hold them in the multi-sig and decide later
0 voters