BIP 60. Migrate Curve Setts to Convex, Fee Changes.

I see this was voted against, yet still the migration to convex happened? Why?

Also why do you think it’s acceptable to bundle so many different changes together. I might in favor of some and against some, how do I vote?

Also what is the current withdraw fee?

Curve put out tricrypto2. Voting happening on Curve right now to add gauge. Guessing once that is done, Convex will update, and Badger should as well. Need to make sure Badger people don’t have to incur fees just to migrate.

No one has spoken against the migration, it has 100% approval in the signaling vote on the forum.

The migration matter was ultimately decided by the Badger Council, but before that, there were a couple of days of deliberation on Discord.

During that time, no one spoke against the migration part of the BIP, or in favor of doing a snapshot about it as opposed to the Council making the decision.

Overall it’s evident that there is an extremely high degree of consensus about the migration to Convex, and the main contentious matter is related to the BIP is the fee change.

So there have been no changes to the fee structure, and the fee structure on the new Convex vaults has been reverted to the standard fee structure (20% performance / 0.50% withdrawal).

About bundling the changes, all the signaling forum votes received supermajority at 86% approval minimum.
In the hindsight, doing two separate snapshots per this BIP (one about the migration, and one where the fee changes are bundled) would probably be a better way to approach it.

The fee changes are bundled because it’s a “complete package” change that is meant to be neutral overall in terms of the DAO inflows. This wouldn’t be the case if only one of the fee suggestions were to be approved.

ideally tricrypto depositors won’t need to do anything to migrate, but at the very least there shouldn’t be any fees related to the process.
If the migration is manual and is not handled by the DAO, the withdrawal fees will be canceled on the vault

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